Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What we are working on now, (the line up)

Extend fence for past customer in Chataqua neighborhood. Start Monday the 9th probably complete Friday the 13th, lucky me. DONE see photos

Colonial Style fence and gate on Arapahoe waiting for final version and rebid. Done.May 8

Ballister fence Chataqua neighborhood 4/23/07 DONE Completed May 4?

Replace posts on split rail for HOA Table Mesa five posts left to complete 5/20/07 Done 6/16/07
61 feet of lattice top 7 foot tall in Chataqua neighborhood Changed to 57 ft. Done

Gate in Holiday neighborhood NBldr Done 5/20/07

150 ft of ranch rail / lattice top Agate Dr. posts in 5/23/07 Done 5/29/07

150 ft privacy 30th and Aurora waiting on city of Boulder flood permit working on Done 6/7/07

160 ft of ranch rail Niwot Done

150ft privacy Grant Place property line dispute, scheduled to tear down for surveyers on August 1 Done

87' of privacy Niwot (4x6 posts, whoo hoo) one very solid fence Done

110' of 2x4 welded wire with top rail up next to the Mountains on Pearl waiting for posts to set Done

Move privacy fence new front yard picket in Chataqua neighborhood start Done

200 ft of privacy Table Mesa (the Fairfield fence) Done

Repair one post apartment complex Done

Repair two posts 26th St.

66ft of 7' privacy 7th St. Done

90ft of lattice top fence and 40 ft split rail 2 gaits, Sugarloaf Fence Done

60 ft of 3 rail split with gate Wonderland Hill Done

880 ft of split rail Nederland Done

Lattice fences, privacy fence, arbors and so on N. Bldr. Done

Privacy fence Utica w/ toenails and top rail Done

Chain link for real estate company Done

21 feet for retired prof Chatauqua, Done

940 ft up in Ward w/gates. Done

120 ft generic pricacy out by foothills with a couple of gates. Done

150 ft of fancy stepped privacy on the hill

300 ft ranch rail w wire lafayette

Below are some standard charges for extras or common changes. After the list are a few basic scenarios showing how we price extra charges.
Hourly charges people $40
Hourly charges for the Bobcat $50

Change $100
Re bid or second bid $100
Site visit $100
Extra visits to code services $100
Hand dig for 4x4 $15
Hand dig for 6x6 $22
Remove dirt 4x4 $7.5
Remove dirt 6x6 $15
Move dirt on site half price

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